Heritage Learning Center

Our founder, Dr. J. H. Hamblen, looked forward to the day when the EMC would have an education and training ministry for pastors and other Christian workers.

“We contend for high scholarship coupled with Holy Ghost religion, for we think they can and must go together.”  – from a tract by J. H. Hamblen

In a very real way, that vision is coming to pass with the creation of the Haggard School of Ministry (HSOM) and the expansion of the EMC's Hamblen-Bruner Headquarters building.  

The Haggard School of Ministry was successfully launched in August of 2014 for both the training of men and women as Deacons, Local Preachers, and Ordained Elders.  It is not a 'brick and mortar' institution, but is a well-managed, and extremely affordable alternative to traditional college and/or graduate level Christian education.  To learn more about the Haggard School, navigate here to our Ministerial Education information page.

The Heritage Learning Center is a new expansion of the Headquarters complex that is designed to be a flexible space with enough resident technology to host online seminars and educational opportunities in the USA and around the world.  The name “Heritage” is appropriate as we will honor the labor of many who gave themselves to the Lord to establish the Evangelical Methodist Church. You, as an EMC member, have the opportunity to honor a loved one, pastor, superintendent, family member or other leader who impacted your spiritual life.

Both the Heritage Learning Center & Haggard School need ongoing funding  

Pastoral training is an ever-present need right here in the USA, but the EMC's growth in Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world represents an expanding need for online training.  By the use of electronic on-line communications, we can host training events that can be viewed in any area of the country and/or around the world.

There are four levels for giving to the Haggard School and the Heritage Learning Center:

Level One: $10,000 gift in memory of, or honoring an individual, couple, or family member will have a laser portrait sketch displayed.

Level Two: $2,500 gift in memory of, or honoring an individual, couple, or family member will have their names inscribed on a plague to be displayed.

Level Three: $500 gift in memory of, or honoring an individual or couple, or family member will have their name(s) on a brass name plate. Churches and family members have an opportunity to honor someone who influenced them with the Gospel.

Level Four: Any amount. All donations will be received, receipted, and deeply appreciated.

To give, go to our ONLINE GIVING PAGE or send your gift to:

Evangelical Methodist Church
P.O. Box 17070
Indianapolis, IN  46217